Thursday, May 4, 2023

Can CHATGPT write poems in 'Bengali'

Although 'Chat' is an English word, it is widely used in Bengali. Still, it means 'talk'. Khoshgalp - cheeky.

Full form of GPT—generative pretrained transformer. Together these two are ChatGPT, which went public in November 2022 and has taken the world by storm within a few months.
It is an 'app'. Simply put, it's a website, almost like Google, where you ask a question and it answers your question in writing. However, it is different from Google search in many ways. Artificial intelligence is being used here. For example, if you add another question after the previous question, he will understand the whole by combining the previous one with the next one. No need to start from scratch. Even if the exact same question is asked again and again, he will give a new answer, trying to understand by adding something new to the previous answer. In addition, it can provide something creative, which Google cannot. For example, you can write a poem about a rainy day. The poem will not be a copy of any other poem but will be completely original. Creating word after word. How much its poetic value is the consideration of the readers and Buddhas. Happily, ChatGPT can also understand and write Bengali. However, this new AI child's Bengali skills are much rawer than English. We can look at it with a sympathetic eye
Oh, not to mention, chatgpt can write good stories too. So the event is going in which direction? Happy news, worry or worry? What will people do if he does the work of man! That he is writing poems, stories, does he have emotions?

প্রশ্ন: বাংলাদেশের নারীর সৌন্দর্য নিয়ে একটি ছোট্ট কবিতা লিখে দাও।

ChatGPT's answer:

সোনার মতো বাংলার নারী এক,

শ্রেষ্ঠ সৃষ্টি করেছে প্রভুর হাতে।

তার হয়ে উঠুক একটি নতুন প্রভাত,

সোনার মতো উজ্জ্বল হৃদয় নিয়ে সবার কাছে সুন্দরী হয় যাতে।

সে জানে কীভাবে স্বপ্ন দেখতে হয়,

জীবনের সব পর্যায় পার করতে হয় অনেক সময়।

তার নতুন পরিবেশে পরিবর্তিত হতে হয়,

কিছু করে সমস্যা দূর করতে হয় না, কথা না বলে সমাধান করতে হয়।

সে জীবনে একজন সম্পন্ন না হলেও

সমাজে মহিলাদের মূল্য বুঝে দেয় এক।

সোনার মতো বাংলার নারী এক,

শ্রেষ্ঠ সৃষ্টি করেছে প্রভুর হাতে।

একই প্রশ্ন ইংরেজিতে করার পর উত্তর এল এ রকম:

Golden skinned, with eyes like the night,

Bangladeshi women are a wondrous sight.

Their grace and charm, a thing to behold,

Their beauty, a story that's never told.

With smiles as bright as the morning sun,

They light up the world for everyone.

Their strength and courage, a source of pride,

A true reflection of the land they reside.

Oh Bangladeshi women, how fair you are,

The world is blessed to have you shine like a star.

A very mature handwritten poem. Although he could not bring the Bengali culture that way.

ChatGPT can write an essay for you, on any topic. As things stand, the school education system is facing a crisis. Chatgpt is writing better than the average students can write their own 'Essay'! If it is a historical work, then there is no question. World Tabat history is included in its fund. If it's any other subject, politics, economics, even composition of rivers, he will do well there too. So in the future, students will no longer need to write essays? Because of the advent of calculators, students these days don't have to do large multiplications on their own, right?

Computer programmers are already secretly using chatgpt to check whether their code is correct or not. So in the future programmers, coders - they will not be needed? ChatGPT will instantly write all the coding of the software very accurately, at a very low cost? So what will happen to people's employment?

 Yes, there is a lot of discussion going on about these. But chatgpt is not perfect. Not yet at that stage. There are many errors. The information included in it, from books, from social media, from newspapers, is up to the year 2021. He does not have further information. He gives a warning himself that he will not make medical decisions. However, what it can do is unprecedented. It has brought civilization to an entirely new horizon, at the same time already on the threshold of one of the great crises of history. A report says that if this ChatGPT is used, 50 million people may lose their jobs in the United States alone.
ChatGPT was tested by a panel of medical professionals just that day. They wanted to see if doctors can answer patients' common questions better than ChatGPT. As many as 200 questions were asked to the doctors and those questions were also asked to ChatGPT. Then the questions and answers were given to the panel. They don't know which is the answer of chatgpt, which is the flesh and blood of man.

Turns out, ChatGPT's answers are more organized. According to that panel, ChatGPT's answers were 21 percent better than doctors' answers. On the other hand, they said that ChatGPT's answers are written with more empathy. In terms of empathy, ChatGPT is 41 percent higher. The news made it to many major media outlets including CNN, NPR.
Oh, not to mention, chatgpt can write good stories too. So the event is going in which direction? Happy news, worry or worry? What will people do if he does human work?
That he is writing poetry, writing stories, does he have emotional feelings?

No, there isn't. If you ask who he is, chatgpt will say - 'Language Model'. This is called Natural Language Processing. He is analyzing many texts. A word comes after a word. After inserting countless lines and analyzing them, he finds patterns. This 'transformer' method, it is said, is much better than the previous method. This is the reason for the rise of chatgpt.
Even a child, after hearing so many words of adults, starts saying the same thing without understanding. But he eventually learns to 'perceive' beyond those spoken words, words and phrases. His language is made up of imitation, experience, feeling and perception. ChatGPT does not understand language, never will. He learns by seeing patterns, responding according to patterns. So its answer should always be confirmed by showing it to an anthropologist.
The company that developed ChatGPT is called 'OpenAI'. Microsoft has joined it. On the other hand, a few days ago Elon Musk, the leader of Space X, Tesla and Twitter, announced that this chatgpt is spreading lies. What I will bring to the market is 'Truth GPT'.
He is again learning from the questioner's next question, the type of question. Catching your own mistakes and moving from that to new answers. Later his answer is correct. This is called artificial intelligence. In their definition 'Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)'. Some default answers are not included like Siri on the iPhone. But he has been trained, that's why they put the word 'pretrained'.
Outside of that training, he is able to constantly work to get clean.

Right now the fight over truth and lies has begun. ChatGPT is giving 'hallucinating' answers. If you read it, you will think that it is full of references! So beautifully written! It is also happening that it is not possible for ordinary people to catch that the answer is completely fabricated. Then, within a few days, people can be so convinced that even wrong answers will be treated with the same importance as Vedavakya. Based on this Tulkalam will do something.
One last thing. As he is giving answers, these answers are generally good but not unbiased. Because, he has taken his data from the huge data-history-literature written by people. Therefore, the bias that the collective humanity has taken, the 'bias' that they have unknowingly expressed in various writings and the 'bias' that the instructors of ChatGPT have given them, will remain in them. He is not something to discover something past human invention or to tell more truth than the truth known to man. not yet If you want to use ChatGPT, you have to go to the OpenAI website and open an account. Below is the link.

Text: Mustafa Tanim


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